Hardwood Maintenance
Follow our hardwood care guide to keep your floors looking great for years to come.

Daily Hardwood Care
Maintaining your hardwood floors isn't overly complex as long as you remain diligent. By following our daily hardwood care guide, you can ensure that your hardwood floors will look great for years to come.
Like other hard surface flooring options, hardwood requires basic broom sweeping to look great and perform well throughout the day. Sweeping removes dirt, dust, and other debris from your hardwood flooring. This debris will accumulate with time and, if left unattended, can lead to premature aging and a lackluster appearance. You may also damp mop your hardwood floors as well. How often you sweep or mop will depend on the traffic that the floors receive.
Area rugs and entry mats will help remove some of the dirt that might normally be tracked within the home. You should remove your shoes before walking across your hardwood flooring.
Hardwood Spills & Stains
As a durable and sought-after flooring option, hardwood can handle spills, stains, and solid messes with considerable ease. So long as you address accidents as they occur, your hardwood shouldn't have any lingering damage stemming from solid or liquid messes. For a liquid mess, wipe up the substance immediately with a cloth. For a solid mess, use a broom to sweep up the substance.
For questions on hardwood maintenance, contact our team!

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