Daily Luxury Vinyl Care
Daily care will be required to keep your luxury vinyl flooring looking great. For top tips on maintaining your luxury vinyl floors, follow our best practices outlined below.
For luxury vinyl flooring, daily sweeping is the name of the game. When you sweep, you work to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from your luxury vinyl floors. When left unattended, these substances can cause scratching and premature aging. How often you sweep will depend on the traffic your floors receive, but you should plan on doing so every few days. For a deeper clean, damp mop your luxury vinyl floors.
It is always a recommended practice to remove shoes before walking across your luxury vinyl floors.
Luxury Vinyl Spills & Stains
Like other hard surface flooring options, luxury vinyl flooring is not too vulnerable to liquid or solid spill damage. Generally speaking, a liquid spill can be wiped up with a cloth without any lingering issues. A solid mess can be swept up with a broom.
For both solid and liquid messes, the sooner you address the accident, the more likely it is that no lingering damage will occur. When in doubt about how to handle a specific luxury vinyl mess, contact our team for assistance.

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